
Addiction and Recovery

Addictions are treatable. Therapy is necessary to work on deeper issues, as addiction is often the “medication” used to “numb” the trauma.

Drug and Alcohol Evaluations
  • These evaluations are also called a Chemical Health Assessment.  A drug and alcohol evaluation is usually the first step in assessing treatment needs when drugs and/or alcohol are involved. These assessments are often requested if someone is facing legal charges, or experiencing consequences or changes in performance at work or school due to drinking or using drugs.
Co-Occurring Evaluations
  • These evaluations are a key part of the alcohol and drug evaluations.  They are used to evaluate the presence of a mental health disorder. This could be critical in the treatment as the addiction may be active due to the mental health disorder.  If these conditions are not addressed and treated, it is much more likely the person could relapse. Some of the mental illnesses may include depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar, etc.
Hypnotherapy treatment

Treatment may also include a hypnotherapy modality which allows the client to work deeply on past issues of trauma and unresolved childhood pain. Trauma is most often underlying, and the addiction is the outcome of inappropriate coping skills.  Hypnotherapy allows the client opportunity to heal the trauma, thus eliminating the need to “self-medicate” with substance.

  • Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation is offered individually or in a group setting. Hypnotherapy is widely promoted as a method for aiding smoking cessation. See our programs for more information.
  • Hypnotherapy for weight loss and healthy living is offered individually or in a group setting. See our programs for more information.

Brief Solution Focused

Brief Solution Focused therapy is a goal-directed collaborative approach that focuses on a person’s present and future circumstances and goals, offering paths to achieve those goals.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT focuses on the thoughts a person thinks and how it affects how he/she feels. Therapy aims to help the client become aware of the thought distortions, beliefs, assumptions and behaviors that are causing the distress. Focus is on the interrelationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and correcting the thought distortions and behaviors. Through this process of learning and becoming aware, clients acquire coping strategies and insight with more awareness and introspection, allowing them to manage symptoms and enjoy a more productive, less stressful life.

Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)

CISM is an organized approach to the management of stress responses for first responders involved in a critical incident. The goal is to help the people involved in the crisis talk about their feelings and reactions to the incident. This intervention is also utilized to prevent disorders that may develop as a result of traumatic stress, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. It is a tool that can be helpful in identifying personnel that may need to be referred for further services, to facilitate verbalization of experiences, to normalize reactions to stressful events and improve peer support and cohesion.

Crisis Response

Crisis response is the process where the therapist helps guide and process the response to a crisis, validating feelings, identifying self-care practices and processing the impact of the crisis.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a comprehensive cognitive behavioral treatment that emphasizes the psychosocial aspects of treatment.  This treatment focuses on problem solving and acceptance-based strategies within a framework of dialectical methods. DBT works within four modalities of skill development – distress tolerance, mindfulness, emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness.

Although originally developed to help with those diagnosed with Borderline Personality disorder, DBT is applicable and effective for people living with a range of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, addictions, bi-polar and post-traumatic stress disorder.  Practicing mindfulness alone helps people with or without mental health conditions.  It helps to improve well-being, attention to the present moment, and increase positive emotional experiences while decreasing negative emotions and distress.


DBT groups for women, men, and adolescents are ongoing.  Check our program schedule for dates and times.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence and emotional abuse are behaviors used by one person in the relationship to control the other. This violence can take many forms and can happen all the time or once in a while.  It takes more than counseling to address family violence, but counseling is an essential part of the healing process for any family experiencing abuse. Therapy is necessary for all members of a family experiencing violence: the abuser, the victim(s) and the children.


Emotion-focused therapy encourages each partner to examine how communication styles or attachment experiences present themselves in interactions.  The focus is to seek a secure tight bond between the partners, repositioning each partner’s stance during interactions and creating new and beneficial interaction in the partnership.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)

EMDR therapy is a powerful therapy modality that removes the strong feelings and negative beliefs that develop as a result of a painful event.  It is used for trauma work and has been found to work in just a few sessions to decrease the trauma symptoms, significantly allowing the person to overcome his suffering due to trauma. This therapeutic method was initially designed to resolve the distress caused by trauma.  It has since been proven successful for a wide array of other disorders.  It is also used for improving performance in many life areas and to increase positive self-thoughts while decreasing the negative thoughts increasing feelings of competence, self-worth and well-being.  Eye movement, tapping, and/or sounds are used to create a bilateral stimulation.


Money can be one of the biggest stresses in our relationships. Talking about money is often a taboo subject among many couples.   Fighting about money in the first five years of marriage is a stronger predictor of divorce than fights about sex, household chores or the in-laws, according to research by Jeffrey Dew at Brigham Young University.

Often our ways beliefs and methods with money come from deep rooted childhood patterns.  Therapy can help couples learn how to talk about money enabling them to set their priorities together through compromise in developing a healthy balance.  Our therapists are trained and available to help you with this process. We also have available resources to minimize the stress of budgeting, planning and following through on changes.


Grief is a natural part of our life cycle. But regardless, when it happens, it is often is harder and more difficult than anticipated.  Having support through the process can ensure movement through the grief in a healthy way. Grief therapy focuses on guiding a person through acknowledging their feelings after a loss.



Hypnotherapy is the process of psychotherapy with a client who is in the hypnotic altered state of consciousness. (Wellness Institute) The Hypnotherapy process can help clients “access and release previously blocked emotions and work on the age-regressions.  Once that happens, clients have the opportunity to reframe some of the previous words that have become imprinted in a person’s mind, keeping him/her locked into similar unhealthy behavioral patterns, becoming their “lifescript”.  Emotions that have been stored for years can be released and then clients can be open to healing, as participants learn to trust their intuition.  This can also be used for past-life work or dream sessions.


Hypnosis/hypnotherapy has a 93% recovery rate after six sessions, making it one of the fastest and most efficient ways to address many issues.  Hypnosis/hypnotherapy is the treatment intervention comprised of inducing a participant into a relaxed, suggestible state and then offering post-hypnotic suggestions for the relief of symptoms.

Hypnosis Programs
  • Trim Life Weight Release/Healthy Living Program
    Trim Life is about helping people change their eating habits by “changing their mind”. Hypnotherapy increases motivation helps to control urges.  The program also uses hypnotherapy to identify emotional eating triggers.
  • Clean Break Smoking Cessation Program
    Clean break is a smoking cessation program of four weekly classes. The groups utilize hypnosis to replace unhealthy tobacco habits. The “tool box” makes quitting more manageable.  One session also focus on food cravings, as weight gain is often a concern when people consider quitting.

Breathwork is a similar healing process, using an induction process to help the client enter into their subconscious more quickly.

Interpersonal Therapy

Interpersonal therapy is a one-on-one interaction between the therapist and the client, focusing on the client’s current life situations within family, work and social situations.  This may be a solution-oriented focus which may bring about solutions to the problems and insight and understanding within the client while focusing on the strengths of the client.  Focus may also be given to the patterns, identifying the past experiences which affect current behavior.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

MBSR is a program used to learn how to calm your mind, and learn to manage your stress, pain and/or illness. Through the process, you learn how to be mindful in your moment, staying fully present and being fully aware (not zoned out and relaxed) but “paying attention on purpose” while cultivating an attitude of non-judgmentness. The focus is on learning how to be mindful while becoming aware of thoughts, feelings, your body, habitual patterns and learning how to become more responsive rather than reactive in your life.  Initially, Jon Kabat Zinn developed this program for people with chronic pain.  It is now taught worldwide for all populations wanting to manage their life in a more effective, calm way.  The central focus of the program is intensive training in the mindfulness practice and its integration into everyday life. Both teachers have been trained in MBSR through the Center for Mindfulness in UMASS and are working towards their certification which takes years to complete.

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing is a collaborative, person-centered communication strategy that anchors the client’s own motivation to change.  Research has shown that motivational interviewing can improve client engagement, help to resolve client ambivalence and promote client activation leading to better health outcomes.


Neurofeedback is a technique in which we train the brain to help improve its ability to regulate all bodily functions and to take care of itself. When the brain is not functioning well, evidence of this often shows up in the EEG (Electroencephalogram).  By challenging the brain, much as you challenge your body in physical exercise, we can help your brain learn to function better.

Alpha Theta

Alpha Theta training uses brain training (neurofeedback) to teach the brain to move into a calm state allowing your brain to move into a very relaxed state, the same state that occurs when you meditate.  These brainwaves are tied to a relaxed state and creativeness. In that state, one is able to learn to be responsive versus reactive to stimuli in the environment.

Beta Reset

Beta Reset is a technique of using neurofeedback training (brain training) to help regulate a dysregulated brain.  It is useful for people that have chronic pain, PTSD, and refractory migraines.  It is helpful in the neural and physiological correction of cognitive, affective and physiological pathologies.  It can be especially effect in treatment chronic and neurodegenerative conditions.

Peak Performance

Reach your peak performance.  Neurofeedback provides tools to train and improve your brain’s neurology just as you train your muscles when you exercise.  Performing at your peak often comes with high demands.  These high demands often trigger us into “fight or flight” responses which decreased our ability to succeed.  Training the brain to create new pathways and connections optimizes your approach to living and succeeding.

Sexual Offender Risk Assessments

Stress Management

Stress management focuses on using the wide range of modalities and psychotherapies aimed at guiding a person to manage their stress, especially chronic stress.  These modalities may include Dialectical Behavior therapy, mindfulness, hypnosis, neurofeedback, heart math among other modalities.


Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)

CISM is an organized approach to the management of stress responses for first responders involved in a critical incident.  The goal is to help the people involved in the crisis talk about their feelings and reactions to the incident.  This intervention is also utilized to prevent disorders that may develop as a result of traumatic stress, such as post-traumatic stress disorder.  It is a tool that can be helpful in identifying personnel that may need to be referred for further services, to facilitate verbalization of experiences, to normalize reactions to stressful events and improve peer support and cohesion.

Crisis Response

Crisis response is the process where the therapist helps guide and process the response to a crisis, validating feelings, identifying self-care practices and processing the impact of the crisis.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)

EMDR therapy is a powerful therapy modality that removes the strong feelings and negative beliefs that develop as a result of a painful event.  It is used for trauma work and has been found to work in just a few sessions to decrease the trauma symptoms, significantly allowing the person to overcome his suffering due to trauma. This therapeutic method was initially designed to resolve the distress caused by trauma.  It has since been proven successful for a wide array of other disorders.  It is also used for improving performance in many life areas and to increase positive self-thoughts while decreasing the negative thoughts increasing feelings of competence, self-worth and well-being.  Eye movement, tapping, and/or sounds are used to create a bilateral stimulation.

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

TF-CBT is an evidenced-based treatment model that is designed to assist children, adolescents and their families in overcoming the negative effect of a traumatic experience.  This treatment is effective after multiple traumas or for a single traumatic event.  Therapists are frequently able to help children experiencing the emotional effects of trauma and address and resolve these effects.

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