Join Our Team
Send us your resume and application if you want to be part of our team. We are always looking for people that will enhance our team and what we offer.
These applications can be downloaded in PDF format. For best results, select a form and save it to your computer, then print a copy.
Downloadable Applications

Therapist Position
We are currently hiring mental health therapists to work in our Grand Island, Ord, Broken Bow or Kearney offices or to provide zoom services. Eligible licenses include PLMHP, LMHP, LIMHP, PLCSW, LCSW, LICSW, PLADC, LADC. Please send us your resume, the application and references.
Intern Position
Abbott Sisters Internship Program (ASIP)
WHC partners with Social Work and Counseling programs across the state of Nebraska to provide practicum placements for Master’s level Mental Health clinicians in rural areas. WHC has provided free and reduced rate mental health services for underserved and uninsured for the past 25 years WHC currently operates at four different sites across rural Nebraska. ASIP serves rural communities as a teaching and instructional site while recruiting and retaining professionals to practice and stay in greater Nebraska. While this program has never been formal, 2021 brings an opportunity to provide school loan forgiveness to WHC full-time clinicians by formalizing this program.
ASIP is a teaching program that provides reduced fee or pro bono services. This teaching program allows for clinicians to begin supervised practice in an outpatient setting, while gaining access to individual and group consultation, professional development trainings, and our incredible supervision team. Our clinicians offer a variety of expertise and specialty practice, creating opportunities for young professionals to explore their given specialty interests. We provide training in Electronic Health Records and the most up to date clinical practices informed by state and national policy. WHC is a trauma informed practice, and looks to evidenced based interventions to inform treatment choices creating strong clinical outcomes.
Over the past 25 years, this program has been home to 24 masters level recipients. This opportunity has provided rural Nebraska communities with over 3600 hours of free or reduced rate mental health services, and our supervisors with as much practice. Of those recipients, the practice has gone onto hire 13 of those placement providers.
ASIP Fee For Services
This practice serves all patients regardless of ability to pay.
No one will be denied access to services due to their inability to pay, and there is a discounted/sliding fee schedule available based on family income and size through our teaching clinic (ASIP). Ask for more details!
Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income.
For more information, ask at the front desk for more information or call 308-382-5297.
Esta práctica sirve a todos los pacientes, independientemente de la incapacidad de pago.
Descuentos para los servicios esenciales son ofrecidos dependiendo de tamaño de la familia y de los ingresos.
Usted puede solicitor un descuento en la recepción o visita nuestro sitio web.