Parenting / Family

Love & Logic Parenting Class
In Love and Logic classes, parents are taught how to allow their children to grow through their mistakes and learn from the consequences of their choices. This is done by adults learning to set firm limits in loving ways without anger, lecture, threats or repeated warnings, setting limits using enforceable statements, regarding mistakes as learning opportunities, and resisting the temptation to nag. When children misbehave and cause problems, adults handle these problems in loving ways through providing empathy before describing consequences, using few words and more loving actions, delaying consequences when necessary and giving kids the gift of owning and solving their problems.

Co-Parenting Class
This course is a research-based educational course mandated by the state of Nebraska, derived from the Nebraska Parenting Act, to aid parents who are divorcing, separating or struggling with custody issues. This Nebraska mandated course offers parents the opportunity to educate themselves on how to keep their children safe, out of adult conflict and better adjust to the changes and challenges that come with divorce, separation and custody battles.
The goal of the Co-Parenting for Successful Kids Course is to develop respectful, responsive and responsible co-parents through a parallel-parenting model.
A second level Co-Parenting for Successful Kids Course is also offered for those parents who struggle with domestic violence, sexual assault or any form of abuse between parents. Parents must complete level one prior to completing level two. The three-hour level two course focuses on safety of both parents and children.

Family Therapy
Family therapy may be utilized to address treatment issues because often the “identified client” is merely acting out a difficulty that is part of the whole. Bringing in the whole system (the family) allows for treatment issues to be resolved more quickly and establish long lasting change. A family systems approach is the philosophical theory that all the therapists practice at Wholeness Healing Center. This means that therapists take into consideration the “whole” system of the client as the treatment plan is developed and implemented.