Clean Break: 4 Week Smoking Cessation Program

Clean break, a smoking cessation program of four weekly classes, is a unique way to make healthy changes in life, using hypnosis.  The groups utilize hypnosis to replace unhealthy tobacco habits as they first reduce and then eliminate the behaviors.  As people recognize their “triggers”, they can implement coping skills to deal with the cravings. The “tool box” makes quitting more manageable.  One session also focus on food cravings, as weight gain is often a concern when people consider quitting.

Wednesday Jan 16th, 23rd, 30th and February 6th.

6-8 pm.

Minimum of 4 clients; $40 materials charge paid prior to 1st session.

January 30 @ 18:00

6:00 pm


Grand Island

Deb England

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