Posts Tagged ‘cross crawl’

Brain Gym Part 4

This is the fourth part of the Brain Gym explanation. Last time I discussed Neck Rolls, the Rocker, and Belly Breathing, which are still Midline Movements. The last three exercises in this category are the Cross Crawl Sit-ups, the Energizer, and Think of an X. The Cross Crawl Sit-ups help to strengthen the abdominals, relax…[ Read the full article ]

Brain Gym Exercises

Brain Gym, developed by Paul E. and Gail E. Dennison, is a “series of simple and enjoyable movements that we use with our students in Educational Kinesiology to enhance their experience of whole-brain learning”. The book features chapters on Midline Movements, Lengthening Activities, Energy Exercises and Deepening Attitudes, and Brain Gym at Work and Play.…[ Read the full article ]