Posts Tagged ‘be happy’

Be Happy

How can we be HAPPY? When you search the internet on “how to be happy” you find numerous articles such as “20 Ways to Be Happier Today’(Forbes) “23 Ways to Be Happier”(Psychology Today) “10 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Incredibly Happy” –( “45 Ways to Be Happier Instantly” (HuffPost Life) the list goes on and…[ Read the full article ]

Change the Hardwiring in Your Brain – Be Happy

One of the Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills  (Linehan, 2015)  we work on in our groups is accumulating positive experiences. Accumulating positive experiences is a skill that encourages you to increase your positive experiences, both short term, such as daily, and long term, such as planning for a vacation you want to do.  Having positive experiences…[ Read the full article ]