Posts Tagged ‘Mindfulness’

Dialectical Behavior Therapy – Life Skills for Living a Regulated Life

Have you ever wished that there was a class on how to manage life– the ebbs and the flows, the relationships, the emotional or distressing moments?  It would be a class that teaches how to manage those difficult situations or inner distressing moments. It could even teach how to manage those strained relationships.  It would…[ Read the full article ]

Finding Calm in the Midst of Stress in your Inner World When the Outside World is Stressful

Life has an ebb and flow to it.  Most of us don’t escape life struggles, but we have times when things flow, and we have times when we have to dig deep to walk the fire of life.  But rarely have we, as a world, walked the same journey with the same difficulties all at…[ Read the full article ]

A Book Review: Mindfulness Volume 1

I recently received a copy of Mindfulness, Volume 1, A Beginner’s Journey to the Unleashed Self, by Curtis Daniel, my son-inlaw. “Mindfulness” has been the “buzzword” for the past few years, and I have read many books on the practice, so would also like to share my take of Daniel’s book. The book includes 11…[ Read the full article ]

Notes of Growth

I completed the eight-week course, Mindful Approach to Living, based on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction with Janie and it was amazing. I learned so much about stress reaction and how it affects me. I learned to pay attention to what is going on inside me and in my surroundings through being mindful. The course has…[ Read the full article ]

Stress Reactivity versus Stress Response

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. (Victor Frankl) We all have stress.  Although difficult to define, stress is the psychological, physiological and behavioral response by people when they perceive a lack of equilibrium between…[ Read the full article ]

Boost your Brain in 2017 – Be Silent

As I write this, our Mindful Approach to Living course is going on and we are getting ready for the day-long retreat – a Day of Silence.  I love the idea of dedicating a “Day of Silence” on a regular basis. The course is designed to develop a habit of committing to a moment of…[ Read the full article ]

The Attitudinal Foundations of Mindfulness Practice

The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) practice is based in seven attitudinal aspects that Jon Kabet-Zinn teaches and has integrated in the development of learning how to implement mindfulness into your daily life. These seven pillars of mindfulness practice are front and center as we work to cultivate them consciously as we practice mindfulness.  As…[ Read the full article ]

A Mindful Approach to Living

In an effort to become certified in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, I have been attending trainings from the University of Massachusetts since January 2015. Training thus far has included taking an eight-week course of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, a five-day Intensive Mindfulness Tools program and a seven-day silent retreat. Certification is a long process, taking…[ Read the full article ]

Who Are You When You Die?

When death comes to take our last breath from us, it doesn’t greet us by the title we earned at college or the rank we made our way up to in our business or work world. It doesn’t look at our socioeconomic status we arrived at, or the type of car we finally arrived home…[ Read the full article ]

Rehashing and Rehearsing

I just got back from another Mindfulness training.  During the training session, the teacher used the words, “We often are either rehashing or rehearsing”.  We are looking backwards or forward instead of gazing straight ahead and being in the moment. We have all probably been there when we are going over and over an upsetting…[ Read the full article ]