Wholeness Healing Center Celebrates 20 Years

January 1, 2018 Wholeness Healing Center (WHC) celebrates 20 years!! As we look at celebrating this anniversary, it is also a time to look back over the journey, validating and appreciating what we can see now, in retrospect, is the beauty of a well-laid plan. A plan that did not come from our own vision, but from listening and staying open to the direction we were being called these last 20 years, and holding the space as WHC grew, developed and became a healing place for many. As I do this, I am reminded, once again, there are no accidents. We may not believe it as we walk the journey, but if we take the time to look back, we are often gifted with a clear vantage point that speaks this fact loudly to us. Everything is in perfect order.
Twenty years ago, WHC opened its doors. At that time, my billing person (Michelle Choplin who is still with WHC), a support person, a part time person (Jacqui Schlund who is still with us) and I opened a small office so we could begin a small private practice. Little did I know that, really, Wholeness Healing Center’s birthing was much more than me opening the doors 20 years ago. As we anchor the journey, let’s go back 10 years earlier. Because through the pain and struggles of my own journey, there was some clarity in the vision that marked this starting point.
In 1988 I started on my college path, having come out of my own dark night of the soul. That dark night of the soul came after the depression that I lived with most of my life made a crescendo and I became suicidal and chose to be hospitalized for treatment. My experience, although very painful, was eye opening when I realized that my lifelong pain was so treatable. Treating my hopelessness and depression set the stage for seeing how so many people must not realize these life issues, this pain and suffering, are treatable. For me it was about “my soul” calling for me to do “my work”. In that pain we can find
our answers.
In 1998 I finished the path of college and began to help others heal, find their way, develop and be all they could be. That
began the setting into motion, “Heart Centered Wellness for Life”. It had been 10 years in the making, living that motto. Opening ended up being more about clearing the way for WHC to be birthed, developed and brought into fruition.
My song became my vision.
Teach the children of the world,
Teach the little ones,
Teach them they are loved so much,
Teach them there is hope.
Hold the children close to you.
Wrap your arms around them.
Rock and sing and hold them close.
Hold them in your arms
Lay their heads upon your breast.
Let their hearts beat one with you.
Hold them tightly in your arms
Until they can remember.
The song was the vision. The vision became the mission and the foundation to hold the space. WHC is a place to come where you are provided a place to be held close, a safe place to let your hearts beat until you can remember – remember you are enough just as you are, a safe place to be still with yourself – until you remember who you are.
Tags: depression can be a gift to find your answers, Wholeness Healing Center celebrates 20 yearsABOUT THE AUTHOR
Janie Pfeifer Watson
Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker
Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner- Janie Pfeifer Watson, LICSW, is the founder and director of Wholeness Healing Center, a mental health practice in Grand Island, Nebraska with remote sites in Broken Bow and Kearney. Her expertise encompasses a broad range of areas, including depression, anxiety, attachment and bonding, coaching, couples work, mindfulness, trauma, and grief. She views therapy as an opportunity to learn more about yourself as you step more into being your authentic self. From her perspective this is part of the spiritual journey; on this journey, she serves as a mirror for her clients as they get to know themselves—and, ultimately, to love themselves.
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