Wholeness Healing Today

Cultivating Kindness in the Workplace: The Power of the Goodness Cycle

“Building a culture of kindness, service, and gratitude is beneficial and essential for any company seeking sustainable success.” The adages “one good act deserves another” and “one kind act will always create another” aren’t just sayings; they’re backed by behavioral science. Numerous studies have demonstrated that acts of kindness trigger a ripple effect, where recipients…[ Read the full article ]

Letting Life Unfold – Embracing the Musical Nature of Existence

In the symphony of life, there is a profound lesson to be learned from music itself. Alan Watts, a philosopher known for his profound insights into human existence, once compared life to music, emphasizing the importance of letting it unfold naturally. He pointed out that in music, we don’t rush to the end of a…[ Read the full article ]

Traffic Stop: Human Division, a Book Review

While I usually review non-fiction books, I took the opportunity this time to read and review a fiction book, as it was about human trafficking in Nebraska. I actually met the author, was impressed by her knowledge, expertise, and compassion about addressing human trafficking so was intrigued to pick up the book by Stacey Cahill.…[ Read the full article ]

The Shadow Effect: Illuminating the Hidden Power of your True Self, a Book Review

“You never know when you will need a part of you that you have locked away.“ It seems as if I have been reading and rereading this book forever. In my work, I use a lot of the shadow awareness and it has been of significance in my personal life. So I am opting to…[ Read the full article ]

Human Garage: Truly Fascia-nating

In this article I am sharing my own personal experience of a healing transformation of mind, body and spirit. I have always been called to help others and am grateful for my opportunity to practice that every day here at Wholeness Healing Center. Therefore, I cannot keep this to myself. In my own search for…[ Read the full article ]

Silence Good for the Brain and for your Mental Health

Take a moment to close your eyes and check into your body. How high is your stress level in this moment? Give it a number from 1-10 with 10 being the highest level of stress. Now do this simple exercise. Listen to the sounds in the room. Listen to the sounds that are close by…[ Read the full article ]

Dealing with a Difficult Coworker

Dealing with a difficult coworker can be challenging, but implementing effective strategies can help you navigate the situation and maintain a positive work environment. Her are several ways to handle a difficult coworker. 1. Remain Calm and Professional: Keep your emotions in check and maintain a professional demeanor. Avoid responding impulsively to their behavior, as…[ Read the full article ]

Adjunct Modalities Round 3, Rocks, Gems, Crystals and More

A year ago, I began this series, hoping to educate and inform readers of different healing modalities in our area. With that in mind, I have participated and interviewed others who have some things to offer in differing ways. Following up the Reiki article from Round 2, and the Vibroacoustic article from Round 1, I…[ Read the full article ]

Introduction to Staff – Carolyn Haney

Hi, I’m Carolyn Haney, LCSW, (she, her, hers) I received my undergraduate degree in Psychology and English from Chadron State College and my Masters in Social Work from the University of Wyoming. Since receiving my Masters in Social Work I have been working in a variety of areas, primarily focusing on higher education. For over…[ Read the full article ]

Adaptability and Flexibility in the Workplace

“In a rapidly changing world, adaptability is key.” Our workplaces are not the same as they were before 2020. Change has been in our faces and the need for adaptability and flexibility has increased. These skills have always been important but since 2020, we have seen rapid changes. If we didn’t have these skills before…[ Read the full article ]