Book Review: E Cubed
I wrote a book review of E2 by Pam Grout a couple years ago and I recently picked up her E 3 and found it equally challenging, challenging in a way that propels a person to “test” the energy experiments she proposes. I love and use some of the experiments from E2 when I teach my Manifesting Class, and I am excited to be able to implement some of these new experiments in my next class.
The book is divided into two parts. Part I: Bazinga! is divided into three chapters: Houston, We Have a Problem, Spanx for the Memory, and Well, Duh! I especially liked an entry in the first chapter: “The way I see it, there are just two things we need to know:
1. The universe has our back.
2. Everything is going to turn out okay.
That’s just 12 freaking words. Everything else is just a big ruse that we, in our misguided thoughts, sent scouts out to retrieve for the field of infinite potentiality.” (Grout, p. 11) So there it is. Stop worrying and just allow things to play out. Interesting thoughts, and ones we’ve heard before.
Part II includes the chapters with the nine experiments, all identified as Corollary (Boogie-Woogie, Red Pill, Placebo, etc.) along, with a preface about “Unlocking the Magic” Each experiment is directly stated, with a lab report sheet for follow-up, and there are uplifting quotes, humorous suggestions, as well as “extra credit” offerings.
I especially enjoyed Experiment #7 The “If You Say So” Corollary (Or Your Words are Wands That Shape Your Life), the chapter that guides one through recognizing the impact of our negative words, with challenges to change and implement more positive verbiage. The book is fun and very helpful, if one is inclined to move forward in a positive way. An added bonus is Experiment # 10, which is a celebration of completing the book, and the experiments, but also a further beckoning of qi energy, in a very celebratory way! How fun!
The book is fun, and while I have not yet completed all of the experiments, I have every intention of doing so! In fact, I am manifesting that intention right now! Read it. Manifest. Laugh. Move forward in a much better way.
If you are interested in participating in the Manifesting class, level 1 will begin at the Grand Island office on Wed. Nov. 6th at 6 pm. The class is 3 weeks long, Wednesday evenings from 6-7pm. I am currently manifesting a class of 10 participants. Call the office at 308.382.5297, EXT 110, and you can be one of the lucky manifestors!
Works Cited
Grout, Pam. (2014). E3: Nine more energy experiments that prove manifesting magic and miracles is your full-time gig. Hay House, Inc. NY, NY.
Deb England
Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner
Licensed Professional Counselor
Advanced Clinical HypnoTherapist- Deb England began working part-time for Wholeness Healing Center in September 2004 and began full-time in May 2005. Deb practices primarily in the Broken Bow office and one day a week in the Grand Island office. Previously she had completed her practicum and internship at Morning Star Alliance, working in the Broken Bow and Grand Island offices.
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