New Year’s Resolutions: A Healthier YOU!

Most of us set goals for the New Year, and many of us are also guilty of letting those goals go after a few days or weeks. I want to offer you a way to accomplish more of your goals, with a greater degree of success, with the addition of hypnosis. I have written a few articles previously for the newsletter about the success of hypnosis and want to re-visit some of those, with some added information.
The Trim Life program is focused on helping the client achieve a greater degree of health. It is set up to be primarily a “weight release” program, but it actually is more about healthy living and setting and achieving goals which will lead to a lifestyle change, a healthy way of living. Diet usually don’t work as well as most people like, because you go on and off of them. Diets often focus on depriving your system of something you crave or restricting severely what you are allowed to eat. Trim Life focuses on helping you achieve greater health utilizing the power of your mind, setting into your subconscious the “habits” of healthy living. Trim Life addresses nutrition, including vitamins; healthy choices of outside stimuli; exercise; anxiety and stress; emotional eating; changing habits; as well as addressing personal health goals. While the program is set up to be 4 weeks long, at the end of those 4 weeks, you actually set your goals, as you will then continue the program, on your own, as you desire, listening to the CD’s daily, choosing which aspect is more pertinent to you on that particular day.
Benefits, in addition to the weight release reported by participants in the program, include adhering to their exercise program and even adding to that time, lowering the blood sugar levels, eliminating cholesterol medications, increasing stamina and improving their immune system, fewer physical complaints, more energy, more direction toward goals, saving money by eliminating “fast foods” from their eating habits, and a general over-all sense of accomplishment as they achieve the goal of working toward their health. If becoming healthy is where you want to be in the coming year, look at how this program can assist you in becoming more powerful in your success.
Another resolution often set by people this time of year is to quit smoking. The hypnosis program we offer, Clean Break, is also a 4 week program. The program features components of becoming healthier as you become a non-smoker, including watching your nutrition and implementing habits to help you achieve greater success with eliminating tobacco from your lifestyle.
There is an exercise component, as well as a component to identify the emotional reason behind the addiction to the tobacco. Again, as with Trim Life, the program is a continued personal health program, as each person has the hypnosis CD’s to use daily to continue working on triggers as they develop good habits and make healthier choices. Benefits reported include a huge savings of money; in one case a client figured the cost of smoking for a year and immediately signed up, as she knew she would be investing in her own financial security, not to mention the cost of medical concerns that eventually arise from the addiction to tobacco. Other benefits have included increased physical stamina, as well as a better ability to smell and to taste food.
Our bodies are ours to use or to abuse, but if you are serious about becoming empowered to treat yourself better, to be healthier, and to make some changes in your lifestyle, please consider how hypnosis can help you achieve your goals. We often are in better places to deal with life emotionally as we feel more benefits from being healthy. And due to the mind-body connection, we need to address how one may affect or impact the other. We offer both programs in both the Broken Bow and Grand Island offices, and we offer both programs as individual or group sessions. As you approach the new year, reach out to find ways that will assist and empower you.
Tags: Goals for the new year, healthier livingABOUT THE AUTHOR
Deb England
Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner
Licensed Professional Counselor
Advanced Clinical HypnoTherapist- Deb England began working part-time for Wholeness Healing Center in September 2004 and began full-time in May 2005. Deb practices primarily in the Broken Bow office and one day a week in the Grand Island office. Previously she had completed her practicum and internship at Morning Star Alliance, working in the Broken Bow and Grand Island offices.
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