Wholeness Healing Today

BOOK REVIEW: Fractured Grace

I recently had the opportunity to read Julie Krull’s book, Fractured Grace: How to Create Beauty, Peace, and Healing for Yourself and the World. An eighteen chapter book, full of personal narrative, as well as tapping into wisdom of many others, even inviting the readers in with reflection opportunities. Her own story, woven around the metaphor of a broken leg and the subsequent healing, is simple, profound, and extremely relevant in today’s current state of affairs.

From the Preface, “We are more than this. We can do great things. Anything is possible”, the reader is intrigued to see how the recognizing, opening, and welcoming those possibilities will be presented. I knew the book had premiered last year, but I was immediately struck at how this is the perfect time to be reading it. Now. Present. Today. (Krull, p. xvi)

The structure of this book is through Krull’s personal story, with explanation and propulsion toward acceptance of greater consciousness, with each chapter featuring a great little “Chapter Reflections” at the end, part summary, part personal questions to consider, part “homework” with leading reminders how to internalize and verbalize from within, with great prompts for some serious journaling, should one be so inclined.

While I liked the quotations from bards and sages, I also was drawn to the intellectual and spiritual tone of Krull’s own words. From the awareness of “Egoic self-talk usually comes from the place of fear, separation, self-preservation, competition, comparison, and judgment – especially judgment.” (Krull, p. 50) in Chapter Four, Breaking Through the Illusion of Separation, to the assignment in Chapter Eight, Waiting for my New Normal, “Creating from a new level of consciousness takes practice and conscious commitment.” (Krull, p. 107), the reader is gently guided to the internal challenge of change and recognizing when we might be “too” cautious.

In light of the social reflection lately, I was especially drawn to Chapter 13, Walk in Perfect Love, with Krull writing “. . . yet many of us (especially women) are disrespectful and dishonoring of ourselves. It is time for us to embody the shift into whole-being and divine partnership. Self-love is easier to practice and realize when you experience yourself in your divinity.” (Krull, p. 185) Yes! Absolutely. A nice reminder that we are perfect as we are.

The book continues to talk about the collective wound and healing conditions. She brings it back to the grace that “transcends suffering”, challenging each to use “the medicine of grace to heal the wounds of separation”. (Krull, p. 270) Read the book, complete the “assignments” or challenges, look within to find one’s own meaning, and more importantly, one’s opening of the path forward.

Works Cited:
Krull, Julie. (2019). Fractured grace: how to create beauty, peace, and healing for yourself and the world. Bst Selling Publishing. Pasadena, CA.



  • Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner
    Licensed Professional Counselor
    Advanced Clinical HypnoTherapist

  • Deb England began working part-time for Wholeness Healing Center in September 2004 and began full-time in May 2005. Deb practices primarily in the Broken Bow office and one day a week in the Grand Island office. Previously she had completed her practicum and internship at Morning Star Alliance, working in the Broken Bow and Grand Island offices.


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