Decrease Your Health Care Costs
As I travel throughout Central Nebraska discussing with businesses the benefits that our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can provide to both the employer and employee, a constant theme continues to resonate. That theme is the frustration regarding rapidly escalating health care costs. We read and hear about the rising costs constantly via the various media. The following statistics point to workplace facts and costs of troubled employees that increase health care costs for employers:
- Between 75 and 90 percent of visits to primary care physicians are related to stress.
- Thirty-five percent of employees who had been at a job for less than two years report that they quit because of stress.
- Stress costs the American employer approximately $200 billion a year in absenteeism, lower productivity, rising health and work’s compensation costs, and other expenses.
- The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that alcohol and drug abuse cost American businesses $100 billion a year.
- Workers with alcohol problems generate eight times more medical costs.
- $270 Billion is spent each year treating preventable conditions related to tobacco, adult-onset diabetes and obesity.
The implementation of our Wholeness Healing’s EAP is effective in reducing company health care costs. The concept of an Employee Assistance Program was introduced initially for a dual purpose. Rising health costs forced employers to seek a solution to minimize the health care expense while maintaining healthy human resources. The inception of Employee Assistance Program provided an effective solution. Our EAP can significantly reduce the high company cost of employee health care. For every dollar invested in an EAP, companies can save between $5- $16 toward the employee’s well-Being.
That’s why it’s so important to have an EAP that provides the broadest possible menu of services to address those problems. Our EAP covers everything from mental illness, stress-related illness, drug and alcohol addictions, to family-related stress and marital problems. We have a group of trained clinical practitioners, alcohol and drug counselors, advanced clinical hypnotherapists and neurobiofeedback therapists with expertise in treating issues that have proven to cause an increase in health care costs.
EAPs are successful because the results are beneficial for both the employee and your company. Wholeness Healing’s EAP focuses on the mental and emotional well-BEING of employees, providing proven ways to adopt healthy behaviors which leads to lower health care costs. If you are interested in lowering your health care costs by providing Wholeness Healing’s EAP services to your employees, please contact Dawyn E. Otto, EAP Administrator at 308-382-5297 Ext. 127.
Dawyn Otto
Provisional Licensed Mental Health Practitioner
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