Increasing Productivity

Productivity (pro-duc-tiv-i-ty) – The quality, state or fact of being able to generate, create, enhance or bring forth goods and services. (
One of the best parts of my job as Wholeness Healing Center’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Administrator is talking to the local businesses about our EAP service. During my discussions, productivity in the work force continues to be a topic of concern. These employers see that pressure and stress from the employee’s personal life often finds its way into the workforce and causes distractions. Employers know only too well how this can deplete an employee’s focus and effectiveness which ultimately effects productivity. In fact, according to an estimate from Integrated Benefits Institute (IBI), a leading health and productivity research provider, U. S. companies lose more than half a trillion dollars a year in lost productivity. (Woody, 2013) In a recent study, 49% of employees admitted they lose an hour of productivity or more each day due to stress. (HR Magazine) Disengaged employees cost the company and take away from the bottom line of the organization. Providing the tools to have healthy employees is bringing them back to being productive.
The goal of an EAP is to help employees sort through challenges they are facing either at work or at home so their lives become healthier and more focused. Health includes the body and mind. We provide that holistic approach to health and wellness. Working from that holistic approach, employees are able to use their EAP services with the help of a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner and get to the root of their concerns, find solutions and/or overcome their challenges. This means they can come to work and be present and fully engaged knowing they have support to help them get through the life problems that have been distracting them. It ensures that your company can continue to have effective growth and development with the employees you hired to do the work you desire.
Our EAP also provides tools for your management team to help employees become healthier and increase productivity. When employees are struggling with the stresses of daily life or work issues, it is not uncommon that the first person they talk with is their manager. Your management team will be trained so they will be able to offer their employees a place to go and a number to call to get the help they need to get back on track. This sends a strong message that you care about your employees and their families.
By offering our Employee Assistance Program, you will be getting a more focused and productive work force. If you are interested in increasing productivity in your business by providing Wholeness Healing’s EAP services to your employees, contact Dawyn Otto, EAP Administrator at 308-382-5297 Ext. 127. Or if you wish for your company to offer an EAP, please share this article with your HR person.
Woody, D. M. (2013, November 4). Why Healthy Employees Mean Productive Employees. Retrieved from (2013, October). Retrieved from
Tags: EAP inreases productivity, Increasing ProductivityABOUT THE AUTHOR
Dawyn Otto
Provisional Licensed Mental Health Practitioner
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