EAP Corner

Tips for Managing Anxiety and Stress in the Workplace

Having an anxiety disorder can have a major impact on your workday. Expectations at work, such as frequent travel or public speaking, can have major negative effects on those suffering from these disorders. This behavior may look like turning down promotions, making excuses to get out of office get-togethers, or being unable to meet deadlines.

Talk To Your Employer
It’s your decision to tell your employer about the anxiety you are feeling in the workplace. Many people diagnosed with an anxiety disorder disclose this to their employers because they may need special accommodations to succeed.

If you have either a physical or a mental disability and are qualified to do a job, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) protects you from discrimination in the workplace.

Tips to Manage Stress and Anxiety at Work
Getting stressed out at work happens to everyone and is oftentimes perfectly normal. When the stress becomes persistent, irrational, and overwhelming, it may indicate an anxiety disorder. The following are some tips to help manage everyday stressors in the workplace:

  • Talk to a trusted co-worker or supervisor. Knowing that someone accepts you and your anxiety can be very comforting. Just this simple step can help reduce anxiety and can help you refrain from having a panic attack at work.
  • Educate yourself. Learn to recognize the symptoms of your disorder and how to handle them if you experience any at work.
  • Practice time management. Make to-do lists and prioritize your work. Schedule enough time to complete each task or project.
  • Be realistic. Don’t over-commit or offer to take on projects if you do not really have enough time to complete them.
  • Ask for help. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, ask a coworker for help. Don’t feel bad about this because you can always repay them in the future!
  • Communicate. Speak up calmly if you have too much to handle. Your supervisor may not realize how you are feeling.
  • Stay organized. Keeping your work area clean and organized goes a long way to help you keep your anxiety under control.
  • Avoid toxicity. Try to ignore negativity and gossip in the workplace.
  • Take breaks. Take the time to clear your head and take deep breaths.
  • Set boundaries. Make it a point not to bring your work home with you. Set boundaries for yourself and limit yourself from after-hours work activities like checking emails and voicemails in the evenings and before bedtime.
  • Use your leave. Your leave is there to help you take time for yourself and your family. Plan days off and vacations to help alleviate your anxiety at work.
  • Take advantage of your EAP and other employee resources.
  • Be healthy. Make an effort to eat healthy, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.

If your business or organization is interested in learning more about Wholeness Healing EAP services, please contact me at 308-382-5297, Extension 127, or, via email at eap@wholenesshealing.com.

Works Cited:
American’s With Disabilities Act of 1990 retrieved via https://www.ada.gov/topics/intro-to-ada/

Gepp, Karin. (March 30, 2022). Your guide to managing workplace anxiety. Healthline.com. Retrieved via https://www.healthline.com/health/anxiety/workplace-anxiety

Smith, Kathleen. (February 24, 2020). Work anxiety: 10 tips to manage anxiety at work. Retrieved via https://www.psycom.net/10-ways-manage-anxiety-work.





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