Effortless Mind, A Book Review

I recently read Effortless Mind, Meditate With Ease, by Ajayan Borys, along with taking a day long meditation class taught by him. Borys has been meditating for over 40 years, teaching meditation, trying different meditations, and learning from different teachers. This book is his sharing of the expertise, experience, and technique.
Borys begins the book with his “Two Essential Principles of Meditation”, which he writes are
- Real meditation takes place with sublime ease.
- Thoughts are a natural form of meditation.
(Borys, p. 3-4)
In explaining the principles, Borys further expands on the fact that meditation is so easy, that it comes naturally, and that it really “is about doing less and less until you are doing nothing, simply being, abiding in the core of your innermost Self.” (Borys, p. 5) Borys simply sets out the way to make meditation the art of “being” rather than working on it.
The book explains Chakra Meditation, how meditation is centered in the heart, how meditation can bring about health and long life, as well as simple guidelines to making meditation a daily practice, with no effort, and “with ease”. The book is clear and easy to read, which is in keeping with how he sets up the structure of the meditation, with little effort at all!
Borys has explained the how-to’s, including moudras, sitting, outside stimuli, when, where, how long, but the underlying emphasis is on just doing it, not working at it, just being in the moment and allowing your consciousness to open up and feel joy, love, and gratitude. He writes that “Mindfulness is an essential key to integrating the benefits of mediation”. (Borys, p, 138) As he explains mindfulness and how the power of attention can be used in a more positive way, the reader can then see how the ego lessens and the connection to things and people around you increases, causing the unity desired.
Borys hosts a radio program, Mind Matters Radio, in Seattle, teaches meditations, is a Reiki Master, Vastu consultant, an Enneagram Teacher, and a registered Hypnotherapist. He has also authored two other books, The Way of the Marriage and The Sacred Fire: Love as a Spiritual Path. His book also lists some additional resources available, one of which is his downloadable MP3 file of the meditation in the book. He has a website www.ajayan.com and books can be ordered through him or at most book stores.
Clearly written, easy to follow guidelines and suggestions, with understandable explanations, Effortless Mind is a quiet guidance into how effortless the meditation can be.
Works Cited
Borys, Ajayan. (2013) Effortless mind: meditate with ease. New World Library: Novato, CA.
Tags: A Book Review, chakra meditation, Efforless Mind
Deb England
Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner
Licensed Professional Counselor
Advanced Clinical HypnoTherapist- Deb England began working part-time for Wholeness Healing Center in September 2004 and began full-time in May 2005. Deb practices primarily in the Broken Bow office and one day a week in the Grand Island office. Previously she had completed her practicum and internship at Morning Star Alliance, working in the Broken Bow and Grand Island offices.
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