Let Me Be in Charge of my Life: Trim Life – the Healthier Way

It has been more than a year since we began offering Trim Life at our locations, both individually and in groups. In that time, we have seen some really good results, not just in weight loss, but in other areas. While Trim Life is marketed as a weight loss plan, it is really more of a healthy living style book, so I wanted to take this opportunity to explain a bit about the program in more detail, as well as relaying some feedback from former participants.
The 4 week program is not a quick-fix; there is no guarantee you will lose 30 lbs. in 30 days. What it is instead is a sensible guidebook to implementing healthy changes into your life, all cemented with the use of hypnosis. In week 1, clients identify why diets have not worked for them in the past, explore their eating habits and learn more effective ways to address their nutritional needs, identify the “whys” of past eating messages, as well as how those messages have controlled their lives.
Week 2 focuses on the next stage of implementing healthy habits—adding a “doable” exercise program, as well as learning about stress and hormonal imbalances. Nutrition, vitamins, food preparation, and controlling one’s hunger level are also explored.
Week 3 brings the focus inward, as each person works to identify the emotional factors and underlying causes of over-eating, one of the facets that makes this program different (and more effective) than other “diets”. Changing the messages from our childhood, as well as implementing healthy expression of feelings, is the goal in the 3rd week.
Week 4 continues to address stress, as many people are stress eaters. The final week of the program also continues as each client explores his/her role in a Victim Triangle” and the awareness of the “pay-off” for participating and how to stop the “game” and quit being a victim and take the power back. Week 4 is also the time when personal goals are set, as all of the pieces of the program are now set in place.
The use of hypnosis in each week, coupled with the materials for use during the week, and positive affirmations combine to make this an easy lifestyle improvement, as each person can work as hard as he/she wants to. Each week is 2 hours long, with the education and the personal hypnosis.
Many weight loss programs approach the changes through the conscious part of one’s mind, which is only 10% of the use, while the addition of hypnosis can access the subconscious, the other 90%, which makes for more productive and successful use of the brain in making changes.
In addition to weight loss, we have had clients report eliminating or reducing cholesterol and diabetic medications, as well as sleeping better, being able to cope with stress better, exercising more, and having more energy, all of which combine to propel a person into a more healthy lifestyle. Trim Life isn’t a magic button you push; it is a program where you implement the use of your entire brain to create a more healthy living lifestyle, as you begin to “undo” some of the bad habits you may have fallen into, thus setting yourself up to be healthier, maintain a more acceptable weight, and feel better about your life.
Tags: healthy living, Trim Life Hypnosis weight lossABOUT THE AUTHOR
Deb England
Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner
Licensed Professional Counselor
Advanced Clinical HypnoTherapist- Deb England began working part-time for Wholeness Healing Center in September 2004 and began full-time in May 2005. Deb practices primarily in the Broken Bow office and one day a week in the Grand Island office. Previously she had completed her practicum and internship at Morning Star Alliance, working in the Broken Bow and Grand Island offices.
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